Users Guide/sr-el

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Revision as of 16:01, 26 December 2016 by Karennina (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kako biste poslali privatnu poruku drugom korisniku, kliknite na njihovo ime ili kliknite na njega na listi posetilaca. Iskočiće vam meni, kliknite na "Private Message"i vel...")

Slanje poruke

Kako biste poslali poruku, napišite je unutar kutije na dnu četa. Poruka će biti poslata ljudima u chat sobi, kada pritisnete enter.

Lista posetilaca

Lista posetilaca je lista ljudi koji upravo četuju u grupi. Svaki od njih ima piona pored imena, i boju koja označava njihov status. Pioni mogu biti:

Kada šaljete poruku, vaš pion u vašoj listi prijatelja će biti zelen. Kada šaljete drugima poruke, bićete posle u mogućnosti da vidite njihovu boju piona.


Smajliji su emotikoni koji mogu biti dodati u porukama. Možete dodati smajli ako kliknete na jedan od uobičajnih smajlija iznad poruke, ili direktno napišete kod smajlija. Na primer, &1 je kod za standardne žute smajlije. Postoje mnogi dodatni smajliji koji nisu deo standarnog skupa, ali možete ih naći na free smilies stranici.

Kad god ste na čet stranici i želite da vidite celu listu smajlija (pored pretplatničkih smajlija), pogledajte levo od čet kutije, i iznad crvenog x je ikonica sa 4 smajlija na njoj. Kliknite na tu ikonicu, i videćete listu smajlija. Jednostavnim klikom na smajli i na kod, smajli će se pojaviti u vašoj kutiji za pisanje. Ako želite da vidite kod, možete ručno napisati, samo kliknite na smajli čiji hoćete kod.

Takođe, postoji nekoliko stenografskih smajlija (brzo pisanje pomoću znakova). Ovde je njihova lista:

  • :), :-) - (smile)
  • :d - (biggrin)
  • ;), ;-) - (wink)
  • :o, :-o - (eek)
  • :p - (tongue)
  • 8-) - (cool)
  • :@ - (mad)
  • :s - (confused)
  • :$ - (redface)
  • :(, :-( - (frown)
  • :'( - (crying)
  • |-) - (sleepy)
  • :|, :-| - (rolleyes)
  • :-* - N/A
  • :[, :-[ - (vampire)

Ako imate ideje za nove smajlije, molimo vas predložite na forumu ili podnesite zahtev smiley proizvođaču i pokažite sliku kako izgleda smajli, ako je moguće.


Tonovi su zvučni efekti koji mogu biti dodati porukama. Audio se šalje korišteći #, koji ide uz ime tona. Na primer #raspberry, #giddy, #ohh. Pojaviće se ikonica tona u poruci i putiće se kada se prikaže. Može biti opet pušten ako se klikne na njega. Naći ćete na hiljade njih ovde Primerite da korisnici kojima je čet kutija mutirana ili imaju Noaudies power, neće čuti tonove. Vidite Noaudies za više informacija.

Tabbed Groups

Vlasnici četova gde se nalazite, su možda dodali čet grupu njihovoj grupi. Ovo će se pojaviti kao drugi umetak odmah do glavnog taba. Čet grupa je podeljena čet soba koja je stvorena za specifičnu svrhu. To može biti:

  • Kako biste diskutovali o posebnoj temi (na primer: muzika, anime, surfovanje, kompjuterske igrice)
  • Za specifičnu starosnu grupu, na primer 20-nešto, studenti
  • Za specifičnu državu ili jezik

Možete pristupiti čet grupi direktno tako što ćete kliknuti na zeleni oblačić na dnu sa leve strane.

Ako piste želeli da nađete više čet grupa, možete pogledati ovde Grupe.

Upalite zvuk & Radio upaljen/ugašen

Možete upaliti zvukove ili isključiti ih kada kliknete na ikonicu na kojoj se nalazi zvučnik, na dnu sa desne strane čet kutije. Pojaviće vam se znak koji pokazuje da je ugašeno. Kako biste upalili zvuk, kliknite opet. Ako želite da pojačate ili smanjite zvuk, pomerajte vaš kursor gore dole. Ako ste glavni vlasnik čet grupe, možete da podesite sve zvukove na podrazumevane klikom na "Edit Your Chat" dugme, na dnu, desno čet kutije. Onda idite na "Extra Feauters", idite dole i videćete "Deafult chat box sounds to OFF". Proverite, idite dole i kliknite "Update these Options".

Ako vaša grupa ima radio stranicu, možete kliknuti na radio ikonicu kako biste ga upalili ili ugasiti. Možete da podesite zvuk na isti način kao i čet zvukove. Ako ste glavni vlasnik, kliknite na "Edit your Chat" zatim podesite radio stanicu. Vidite više o podešavanjima radio stanice ovde.

Ulogujte se / izađite

Kako biste izašli iz čet grupe, kliknite Sign Out dugme, koje se nalazi na dnu, sa desne stranice četa, odmah do kutije gde pišete. Bićete prikazani na dnu liste posetilaca i bićete prikazani kao da niste na mreži. Nećete moći videt iili slati poruke sve dok ne kliknete "Sign In" ili osvežite stranicu.

Primanje/Slanje privatnih poruka

Privatna poruka se pojavljuje u prozoru četa koja je upravo poslata jednoj osobi. To je kao soba puna ljudi i šaptanje nečega nekome što hoćete da samo ta osoba čuje. Ako vidite poruku koja ima zlatni katanac pored, ta osoba vam je poslala privatnu poruku, koju možete videti samo vi.

Kako biste poslali privatnu poruku drugom korisniku, kliknite na njihovo ime ili kliknite na njega na listi posetilaca. Iskočiće vam meni, kliknite na "Private Message"i veliki katanac će se pojaviti na levoj strani kutije za pisanje. To pokazuje da će sledeća poruka biti poslata privatno, selektovanom korisniku.

Starting/Responding to a Private Chat

A private chat is a conversation with only two people; it is like leaving a room full of people and finding a private room to talk in. When you are sent a private chat message, a tab will appear with the senders name on it under the message window. It will flash to indicate a new message and the speech bubble will remain green to show that you have not read it yet. Click on the tab and you will be in a private chat with that person. While you are having a private chat with one person, you may also see the main room and other private chats flashing and remaining green to indicate new or unread messages. You can switch between these and maintain conversations with several people at once if you want to. When you have finished with a private chat, move your cursor over the tab and press the red x that appears to close it.

Been Auto-Signed Out?

If you haven’t typed a message for over 15 minutes, the chat box will automatically sign you out. To sign back in, press the "Sign In" button on the bottom right. Owners and Moderators are not automatically signed out, so they should take more care to sign out when they leave to prevent visitors from wondering why Moderators/Owners are not responding to them.

Have you been Kicked?

If you have been kicked out of a chatbox, you will need to sign in again if you wish to continue chatting. There will be an information message that is sent to everyone in the room that says who was kicked, who did the kicking, and the reason for the kick. You will also be "Gagged" (unable to send messages) for 15 seconds after being kicked.

Have you been Banned?

If you have been banned from a chat box, you will have received a banned information message, your pawn in the Visitors list will have turned brown, and your name will have changed to "Banned". You will still be able to see the messages being sent (this only applies if the chat doesn't have Banish or Banpool assigned), but the other people in the room will not receive any message you try to send. The ban may be for a limited duration and if so, you could return later. The ban may have been a warning and they may un-ban you sooner if you remain online for a while.

If you believe you have been unfairly banned, you should click "Report Unfair Ban" on the large window that appears upon being banned. This will send a message to the main owner of the chat saying that you've been banned, why you think it's unfair (if you included text), and your email (if you included it). If the ban happened while you were online, it will send a transcript of what was recently said on the main chat prior to you being banned, and give the chat's creator an option to demote the person who banned you.

If you are banned, only users who have added you as a friend can see private chats you send to them.

Profile Dialog

Click on your name at the top of the Visitors list to set up your display name and avatar. If you are new to the chatbox, you will have been assigned a "toon" name like WuggyBunch and a random picture. These, however, are easily changeable.

How do I change my Name?

Click on your name in the chat, then enter your desired name in the "Name" box, as you want it to appear on the chat. You can use smiley codes in your name also, and these will be displayed on the Visitor and Friend lists.

How do I change my Avatar/Picture?

To change your display picture, you can choose one of the default images shown by clicking on it. Every time you choose one, you will get another selection from which to choose. If you wish to look at a wider selection of images click the 'more…' button and follow the instructions. Alternatively, you can use any picture you like by getting the "Direct Link" of an image (you can easily upload images here). After copying the "Direct Link," paste the link into the "Picture" box and click OK.

How do I change my Home Page?

To add a homepage or set a different one, enter the link to a website e.g. in the homepage box, then click OK. If you have a home page specified, whenever you post a message, a small home icon will appear next to your name. If someone clicks on this, they will open the link in your homepage. To remove a homepage, simply leave the homepage box blank and click OK.

How do I turn off automatic sign in on a chatbox?

If you don’t want to be automatically signed in to the chat box on web pages you visit, then you can turn off automatic sign in. Click your name and uncheck "Sign me in automatically". You will have to click the "Sign In" button every time you visit a chat box to appear online. To return to automatically signing in, click your name, check the box again, then click OK.

How do I Reset my ID/user data?

If you wish to reset your ID number and screen name (not your registered ID or account name), right click on any chat screen, then click "Settings". After this, click the little folder icon, then click "Deny" and click close. After, refresh on the chat page or go to a new chat page. These effects will take place. Doing this will remove your friends list, as well as all your data and status in chat group you have visited. So if you do not want to lose all of the data stored (friends list, status etc.) do not reset. If you reset completely then log back into your registered account and your friends will still be able to contact you on that account, but you will have lost all stored data doing this process. Do it at your own risk. When you're done, and you want xat to store the data again, right click on a chat screen, and this time click "Allow". After you do that, click close and it will start to store the data. Anytime you want to reset the stored data, repeat this method.


You can visit the Subscribers Guide for more information regarding this topic.

Can I use multiple names?

Click on your name, and at the top right of the pop up box you will see "new user..." Clicking that will make a default name that you can change and switch back and forth between other names you have added. You can have up to five extra names to switch back and forth between. Instead of having to manually change your name, you can switch from the other names you have added. Note: You will be unable to delete any extra names you create without resetting your user data.


Why register?

Registering allows you to keep your ID, rank (moderator, member, owner etc), and Friends list on other computers (or after your cookies have been deleted.) You can also get a xatspace, which is your own personal xat profile. Registering also makes it almost impossible for other users to impersonate you, and makes it easier for your friends to tell who you are if you’re on other computers. It also allows you to buy xats and subscription time, or receive them through transfers or trades. On a few chats, you might not be able to join unless you’re registered. Your name also appears higher on the list than non-registered users.

How do I register?

Click on your name in the chat and click the "Register" button. Fill in the required information (email must be valid), and submit the form. Log into your e-mail and click the activation link you received from xat. Afterward, login using your registered name and password. You may need to refresh any chats you're on for the registration to take effect. If you don't get an email, then your email service has not delivered the email. Try opening a Gmail account.

How can I change my registered name?

Note: Anyone can take your old registered username if you change it to a new one.

Click here and put in the username you registered with and your password in the appropriate fields. Scroll down and click "More," and in the Change Registered Username field, type in what registered username you want (as long as it's 10-18 characters.) After this, click “Change User Name” (you may need to refresh any chats you’re on in order for this to take effect.) You can only change your registered name once every 14 days.

How do I get a short registered name (short name)?

Instead of having a registered name that is 10-18 characters, you can purchase a short name. A short name is a registered name that is 4-9 characters long. Short names cost at least 1,000 xats. Generally speaking, the shorter the short name, the higher the price. By clicking here, you can see prices of short names or even buy one if you'd like.

See short name for more information.

Will I keep the same ranks/Friends list if I login on another computer?

Yes, your rank and your Friends list will be restored if you login to your registered account on another computer. You can login by going to

How do I change my password?

Click on your name in the chat, click the "Register" button, and click the "Change password" tab. Your password should be at least 8 characters long and consist of letters (capital and lowercase) and numbers. The more characters you use, the stronger your password will be. Avoid using personal information like your birthday, your name, etc. You may also want to change your password every 3-6 months to ensure maximum security of your account.

Note: Special characters (!@#$ etc) are stripped from your password when logging in, so be sure just to use alphanumeric characters (a-Z, 0-9).

How do I change my xat ID?

xat IDs are generated randomly. You can clear your browser cookies to get a new randomly generated ID. Otherwise, you can bid on IDs via the xat auction.

Note: xat does not support the trading of IDs.

How can I change my xat e-mail?

Note: This help topic requires you to be a paid user (have made at least one payment to xat.)

If you would like to change the e-mail account associated with your xat account, you would have to create a ticket.

What should I do if I lost my password?

Click on your name in the chat, and click the "Register" button towards the bottom of your name card. Click the "Lost password/username" tab. Alternatively, you can go to You'll need access to the email you used to register your xat account. After filling in the captcha, enter your email, and a link will be emailed to you. Go to your email and wait for this email (may take up to 30 minutes to arrive.) If the email doesn't arrive after 30 minutes, check your spam/bulk folders. Once you receive the e-mail, click the link and you are able to reset your password.

How do I delete my account?

NOTE: If you ever want to register your ID in the future, save the register link to your ID.

1 - Go to

2 - When it says LOGIN SUCCESSFUL scroll down and click the more button.

3 - Now you should see an option that says "Delete (your current username here)".

4 - Click that button and it should tell you to check your email.

5 - Use the link in your email to login and click the delete button once again.

  • You cannot delete an account with xats/days/powers or held on it.
  • If you just registered your account you have to wait 14 days before you can delete it.
  • Keep in mind xat does not support the transfer of IDs so if you get scammed in the process of selling one xat can't help you.

Interact Dialog

To interact with a person either click on their name on the Visitors / Friends lists or by a message they have sent. This will open up a dialog, which will give you more information about them and options to interact with them.

Private Message

A private message is sent to only one person and no one else can see it. To send a private message, click on a person on the Visitors / Friends lists or the name on a message someone has sent, and click "Private Message". A padlock will appear on the message entry window. Type your message and press enter. When the message is sent, it will have a padlock next to it and only the person you selected will see it. To send another private message, follow the same procedure again. In some case, Private Chats (see below) can be more useful.

Private Chat

A private chat is a one-on-one conversation in a separate tab on the chatbox. To start a private chat, click on a person on the Visitors or Friends lists or the name on a message someone has sent and click Private Chat. A tab will appear that contains just you and the person you want to start a private chat with. When you send your first message a tab will appear on their chat box which they can choose to answer or not. Note: You may not be able to Private Chat a user if they have the NoPC power. You can click Powers for more information regarding the special abilities.

Add As Friend

If you want to add someone, so you can easily find them and talk to them another time, you can add them as a friend. Click on that person on the Visitors or the name on a message they have sent and click Add as Friend. They will appear on the list in bold and move to the top of their rank. They will also be added to your Friends list, accessible by clicking on your Friends tab at the bottom of the list.

When you return to the chat box at a later time, you can click on your Friend list and see which ones of your friends are online on any chat box, not just the one you are on. You can send them a private chat or private message from your chat box to theirs. If the user has added you as a friend, you will be able to see which chat they are on so you can go there (unless the user has the NoFollow power.) If you want to unfriend someone, click on their name and click "Un-Friend".

How many friends should I add? You can add as many friends as you like but there is no point in adding everyone you ever see, only people that there is a chance that you will want to talk to again. The more friends you have added the harder it becomes to find the ones you really want to talk to.

/f Add a User by their ID

If you know a person's ID number and want to add them as a friend, you can use the /fIDHERE command on the chat.

Example: /f96321545 Kyle

This adds ID 96321545 as a friend with name of "Kyle".


To ignore a user: click on their name on the visitors or friends list or on their name of one of their messages and press "Ignore". Their pawn will appear grey on the visitors list. You won't be able to see any of their messages and they won't be able to start private conversations with you. If you wish to unignore them and see their messages again, click on their name on the visitors list and press "Un-Ignore". Please note that the user will only be ignored for 12 hours, so after the time is up simply repeat the steps above.

You may also type /t in PC to ignore a user. If you have Ttth, you can also send a full-screen smiley / message along with ignoring.

As a moderator or an owner you're still able to see ignored users post on the main chat. To have the same effect as a member and below, hold down SHIFT prior to pressing "Ignore".

Bad Chat Etiquette

When using a xat chatbox, you have to abide by the Terms of Service. But there are specific things that you might do that are considered bad etiquette and will annoy some users.

Flooding or Spamming

Flooding or spamming is typing random numbers and/or letters for no reason or repeatedly sending a link. This is very disruptive to the chat box and all the users in the chat. People find it very annoying and if you do it you may find you are either banned or Ignored by everyone in the room. Talking in CAPS, using too many smilies or audies in a way, may also be considered as spam or flooding. Likewise, if you do either of these too much, you may be ignored or even banned from the chat.

Talking in CAPS

Typing messages with CAPSLOCK on often annoys people, it is used to say that you are SHOUTING what you are saying. You can type in CAPS if you want, unless a chat's rules say otherwise, but you should expect that people will add you to their Ignore list. It is best saved for when you are really shouting something.

Too Many Smilies

Using smilies livens up messages and makes the chat more fun, but if you send them too frequently, you will soon end up on everyone's Ignore list.

Too Many Audies Sound Effects

The odd sound effect can make a chat fun but if you keep on sending them, it can be annoying and you will soon be on everyone's ignore list.


You may create chat groups or accounts relating to your services outside of However, you may not go to other chat groups and promote your services. This is prohibited in the xat Terms of Service. In addition to this, other chat group owners tend to dislike such behavior and it may result in a ban from individual chat groups.

Asking to be Moderator, Owner, or Member

Owners of popular chats are often bombarded with requests for people to be made moderators, or other ranks, and most will just Ignore anyone who asks, or give them a warning kick. If you want to be a moderator on a chatbox, you should be active on the chat, make friends with users, and try to be helpful to other users. This is the best way to achieve a rank on a chat group.

Asking strangers for free xats/days/powers

People have to work hard for their money, and to get their xats/days/powers. With that being said, they likely won't give it away to people they don't even know, unless they specifically say they're giving them away. See Xats if you're looking for information on how to purchase xat currency.

Instead of pestering users for free xats/days/powers, you can go to the Game chat, where you can play games for xats/days/powers every weekend. They also sometimes put xats on gamebot on random weekdays, and host epic contests every now and then. We also have a section dedicated for Contests and Events on xat Forum, which can be seen here.